♥♥The Very Special DAY For CELLO♥♥

♥Have a Talk with Cello♥

Monday, May 17, 2010

Special Offer!!

saya, IRENE CELLO ingin mengadakan sedikit permainan @ game yg besh utk korang melalui blog ni ...

sila baca !!

  1. Kuiz dan teka-teki
  2. Merangkumi sepuluh cabaran
  3. Soalan akan keluar setiap minggu

  1. Anda menjadi follower blog Cello ini
  2. Anda sign up dgn menghantar nama penuh, nama, id card @ surat beranak, emel, tmpt tinggal dan phone number
  3. Anda diberi soalan percubaan dan anda perlu jawab
  4. Anda periksa nama anda di sidebar kanan blog Cello
  5. Anda hanya boleh mencuba untuk 5 kali sahaja
  6. Anda akan disingkarkan setiap minggu jika anda mempunyai markah yang terendah pada minggu tersebut
  7. 10 soalan akan dikemukakan setiap minggu
  8. 10 peserta untuk seminggu
  9. Setiap peserta yang tersingkir akan diberikan hadiah misteri
  10. pada tahun ini, 7 peserta yg layak ke peringkat akhir sahaja yang boleh bertanding pada saringan akhir
  11. pemenang tidak boleh menyertai pertandigan buat kali yang ketiga (kedua boleh)
  12. masa dan tarikh pertandingan setiap minggu akan ditetapkan oleh Cello sendiri
  13. hadiah disediakan!!

  1. Berusia antara 9 - 19 tahun
  2. Followers blog Cello atau kawan Cello di sribangsar
  3. Tidak menipu
  4. Jujur

(juri musim pertama tahun ini adalah)

(buddy irene)

juri tahun2 depan akan melibatkan pemenang yg tidak mahu bertanding lagi ...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

♥♥ New Family Member !! ♥♥

on May 9, my father had visited the charity, orphans house. then, my father's back with a boy named RASYIDI. that's my new BROTHER!! .. the reason why my father took him as and adopted family is b'cuz we don't have any boys in our family except my father. that's the main reason. the next reason is that he's orphan since 3!!

although he just adopted brother, we treat him like our own flesh and blood family .. hehe :D. but, we cannot hug as Irene Marcello with her brothers, benloy and benjoy. haha !! ;D ... ok Bro Syidi, welcome to our beloved family and now, u're the one of the family !!

peace !

ad : use CAREFREE as your fave pantyliner and pad !!

Friday, May 14, 2010

♥The Sketch♥

♥ Oh mama, it will be great if i could be one of the POPULARZ!! haha!! ♥
♥ Sonny, i know you really wanna be a star, but it's not the correct time. ur juz 14 ♥
♥ what do you mean by just 14? it's not 'just' its 'already'. come on mama, Dianne Cory, 14 years old, becomes Miranda Hudson in THE SKETCH, Tony Zara, 14 years, becomes Chad McRuphy in THE SKETCH, Talia Deman, stars as Dementia Govato in THE SKETCH and she was 13!! what's the matter if i want to be one of them. you will feel so glad if you hears 'Sonny McHousten the best stars in THE SKETCH as Bianca Braille. ♥
♥Who's Bianca Braille?♥
♥The new character of THE SKETCH!!♥
♥Oh dear, i know you work very hard to be in Hollywood, but, you can't act. you can't lie.♥
♥oh i can, see, i've broke you mug and i say it was Kitte's doing... i'd practice it!!♥
♥Sonny, you've lied!♥
♥oh mama, it's just a practice!!♥
♥how many of mugs have you broke up?♥
♥Huh! ok, i'll send you to the audition. sastified already?♥
♥yes i am!♥

Sonny was happy!!

♥ Dear Diary 1 part 1 ♥

All Caitlyn's secret in this diary !!

♥ Dear Diary, it was a totally a lucky day for Tracia, i mean, she got praised by teachers and friends just only because she had saved hungry ugly Connie's hotdog!! i know that it was an accidental incident. she just want to vomit when she eats the springroll!! huh! what a unfair thing. i've saved my headmaster's kitten, i just got 5 dollars and one thanks from him!! huh !! exactly, i really hurt this day !
Hmm, i'm starting writing a ROMANCE novel. how freaky!! as long as evryone know me, i hate ♥ ♥ ♥  !!! yes, i really hate it but i could not stop writing the book!! i have to find a name, a name that differs with my name.. if sum1 noe about it, it will be very bad !!!!!! i'm the baddest damn if that's happen. i wish that will not happen in my life... AMIN. ok, i don't have other story to tell, just enough untill here. buh-bye diary ♥

♥ ♥ When I Was Packing♥ ♥

sorry, i should put my photos of packing to go to Malaysia but I didn't take any pics !! my mother was really serious when packing and making me afraid to brought my pink sony camera in. ok, 4get about it, it's not the topic that i wanna write... it's about when I was packing ...

Sis Kira always asks me "Dear Irene, do you really don't want to bring this dress??"
i said "NOOO" again... it's almost 100000x times and its started since we first enter the closet room.

Then, papa called mama and said "please ask Tina to book our ticket. on MAS ok??"
sis Tina go. i really want to follow but my mom said "Irene! stay, please pack your things first!."
(terputus niat nak pergi)

anyway, i packed my personal items and after finish, Sis Tina also finish booking !!! huwaaa T_T
my tears is BLOOD!! haha :D

last but not least, the packing lasts for 4 hours ... haha , so long period...

PROMOTING :: girls !! use >>CAREFREE<< when your period, it's good and nice!! teens out there, have a try, i've use it and felt very COSY!! although i'm not period now, i used the pantyliners and it feels great!!
tata,... :D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

♥Sunny's Dream♥♥episode 1♥♥part 1/2♥

"Haha little Sunny ! i will turn you to a little ugly chick!!! Haha!!" Lady Clarise who known as the baddest queen ever in the world, turned Sunny to an ugly chick!!

"Cock! Cock! Help me!" Sunny shouted. after a while, she fell from Lady Clarise's stonetable and screamed, "Oh NO!!!"

"Sunny, what happened?" Mrs John asks her 17 years daughter.
Sunny was shocked when her mother touches her shoulder.
"Oh mom. i thought you was Lady Clarise."
"Lady Clarise? Who is she?"
"Oh, no, it was a character in my dream."
"I know! you didin't wash you feet before sleep like i advised you! isn't it."
Sunny smiled.
"Hmm. Yeah."
Mrs John exhale her respiration.
"Next time, please wash you legs. you always making me woke up in the early morning."
"alright, fine. i'll wash."
Sunny walks to the bathroom and washes her fair-coloured feet. then, she walks to her room again and sleep. before sleep, she hugged and kissed her mother.
Mrs John went away to her room to continue her sleep.

♥Telling that i'm going to Malaysia!!♥

Really cannot wait to back to MALAYSIA!! i'm looking foward for this chance. it has been a long time since i last got there. i love to go shopping at KLCC, Mid Valley and Pavi. i'll list the main reason why i'm looking foward to get in KL!!

  • i miss Opah Yah so much !!
  • i miss Mak Long Ida and Pak Long Epul !!
  • i miss Mak Ngah Siti and Pak Ngah Zizan !!
  • i miss Mak Andak Maya and Pak Andak Zaidi !!
  • i miss Sue Nurul
  • i miss Sue Eisya
  • i miss Demise ( my cat )
  • i miss Camelia ( my 8 years cousin )
  • i miss Talia ( my 4 years cousin )
  • i miss shopping at KLCC, Mid Valley and Pavi
  • i miss my Kak Miza's apartment
  • i miss my pink EGO Scooter

i will be going next week. i started to packed all items for 1 month there. my parents will stay at Sue Nurul and Sue Eisya's apartment while i and Sis Tina and also Sis Kira will stay at Kak Miza's apartment!!

Oh, i will make a countdown !! hehe ... :DD ., i cannot tell how i feel. almost 4 years staying in Dallas makes me miss KL, Malaysia. oh, one more, Sue Jiji at Putrajaya. i want to see her marriage pics... oh !! i can't wait !!!! hah !!