♥♥The Very Special DAY For CELLO♥♥

♥Have a Talk with Cello♥

Friday, May 14, 2010

♥ ♥ When I Was Packing♥ ♥

sorry, i should put my photos of packing to go to Malaysia but I didn't take any pics !! my mother was really serious when packing and making me afraid to brought my pink sony camera in. ok, 4get about it, it's not the topic that i wanna write... it's about when I was packing ...

Sis Kira always asks me "Dear Irene, do you really don't want to bring this dress??"
i said "NOOO" again... it's almost 100000x times and its started since we first enter the closet room.

Then, papa called mama and said "please ask Tina to book our ticket. on MAS ok??"
sis Tina go. i really want to follow but my mom said "Irene! stay, please pack your things first!."
(terputus niat nak pergi)

anyway, i packed my personal items and after finish, Sis Tina also finish booking !!! huwaaa T_T
my tears is BLOOD!! haha :D

last but not least, the packing lasts for 4 hours ... haha , so long period...

PROMOTING :: girls !! use >>CAREFREE<< when your period, it's good and nice!! teens out there, have a try, i've use it and felt very COSY!! although i'm not period now, i used the pantyliners and it feels great!!
tata,... :D

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