♥♥The Very Special DAY For CELLO♥♥

♥Have a Talk with Cello♥

Sunday, May 16, 2010

♥♥ New Family Member !! ♥♥

on May 9, my father had visited the charity, orphans house. then, my father's back with a boy named RASYIDI. that's my new BROTHER!! .. the reason why my father took him as and adopted family is b'cuz we don't have any boys in our family except my father. that's the main reason. the next reason is that he's orphan since 3!!

although he just adopted brother, we treat him like our own flesh and blood family .. hehe :D. but, we cannot hug as Irene Marcello with her brothers, benloy and benjoy. haha !! ;D ... ok Bro Syidi, welcome to our beloved family and now, u're the one of the family !!

peace !

ad : use CAREFREE as your fave pantyliner and pad !!

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